SOA Operating Grants Program Allocation Process
SOA Operating Grants are distributed based on eligibility, necessity and membership type. The amount of an Operating Grant varies according to organization size, the type of membership held, and the funds available.
SOA Membership Definitions
SOA Group Members: Organizations who hold one SOA Membership on behalf of their organization. These organizations are eligible for operating funding to a maximum of $500.
SOA Member Organizations: Organizations in which all participants hold an SOA membership. These organizations are eligible for operating funding greater than $500. The operating funding amount is based on the number of participants playing in the group.
For SOA Member Organizations, Operating Grants are calculated by means of an established formula based on total available funds. The formula provides a specified amount per member for the first 10 members, a lesser amount per member for the next 10 members and a smaller amount per member thereafter. The decision to award or not to award an Operating Grant is based on organization eligibility and submission of a complete application. The eligibility of an organization is determined by whether the organization meets required criteria as outlined below.
Eligible Applicants
SOA Membership Definitions
Operating Grants support the activity of the applicant taking place within its identified fiscal year. Approved Operating Grant amounts are paid in two equal instalments. The first half of the grant is paid shortly after approval of the grant. Final payment is sent after a completed final report has been received by the SOA.
Eligible Expenses to be outlined in final report:
Ineligible Expenses:
Recipients of the grant program are required to acknowledge the support of SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation and the Saskatchewan Orchestral Association on concert programs, newsletters, publications and wherever else appropriate as outlined in the Project Grant Application Form.
Receipt of final grant payment is dependent on fulfilling this requirement.
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